I used to wrack my brain trying to come up with Christmas gift ideas for adults. My kids are always
Spending Money, Vacations, and Passtimes
7 Financial Gifts For Kids This Christmas
Do you know what I hate? Spending a bunch of money on gifts that my kids play with for one week and
How to Have a Debt Free Christmas
It’s hard to believe but there are only nine weeks left until Christmas 2016! This means if you
Looking Wealthy vs. Being Wealthy
Can I be honest for a moment? There are times when I struggle with wanting to buy stuff to fit a
What to Do When Your Income Increases
Increasing your income whether from a promotion, raise, side hustle or business is an amazing
What the Average American Family Spends on Vacation (And How You Can Spend Less)
There’s only a month left before my two daughters are on summer break and start asking “Mommy, where
Don’t Wait Until the New Year to Get Organized
Christmas is less than three weeks away. I know the holidays can feel busy but if you wait until
The True Cost of Raising a Kid is What?!
A recent article on Vox.com broke down the costs of raising a child to the age of 17. The magic
The 5 Dumbest Ways I’ve Wasted Money
I write a lot about personal finance. And while I try my hardest to dish out only financial advice
President’s Day – What You Can Do With Each Dead Guy in Your Wallet
So let’s honor the Presidents of the past with ideas on how you can use each denomination for