My guiding principle is that life is too short, and my time is too valuable, to deal with difficult
The best time to plant a tree
There is a Chinese proverb that states, “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago…” I’ve
Spring training for your money
The point of spring training for baseball is so that players can shake the rust off after a long
Anyone contributing directly to a Roth IRA is stupid
You heard me. And this isn’t about whether you should be putting money in a Roth IRA or a
Complaining – the art of getting what you want
When not to complain and what you shouldn’t complain about Don’t complain just to get a lower
Play your finances like a video game
Video games and your finances have a lot in common. It’s easy to keep score, there are multiple
Secrets of Fantasy Baseball that can help your finances
The secrets to a great fantasy baseball draft can help you draft a winning financial team. Balance