Now that almost all kids are officially out of school for summer break chances are you’re in need of some frugal yet fun activities that your family can partake in.
Here are my most favorite frugal things to do with your kids this summer.
Go Bowling
An activity all of my family and extended family has been partaking in this summer is Kids Bowl Free.
Most bowling alleys provide “kids bowl free” during the summer months but may require you to put up a minimal amount of money for shoe rentals. My local bowling alley let’s all of the kids bowl completely free and then charges $30 for four adults for the entire summer!
This is one of my favorite day time activities since both adults and kids enjoy bowling. (Especially if your family is a competitive as mine.)
Go Camping (If you Have the Gear)
Camping is one of the least expensive but most fun ways my family likes to spend the summer.
Camping is definitely not for everyone but if your family enjoys roughing it in the middle of the woods (or at a campground) this can be a great activity. The downside is that if you don’t already have camping gear or don’t know someone you can borrow from, building your camping supplies from the ground up can get pretty costly.
Let Your Kid Take Up a New Hobby
A couple weeks ago I took my kids to the flea market and gave them each $10 to spend on whatever their little hearts desired. Both girls picked up a bracelet making kit that was similar to crocheting, only much simpler, and my oldest daughter was HOOKED.
After she ran through all of her and her sister’s bracelet making supplies I told her about crocheting and she was smitten.
This hobby costs us very little (yarn and a crochet hook) but has been keeping her busy for hours upon hours.
There are plenty of low cost hobbies for your kids. The trick is letting them discover want peaks their interest the most rather than trying to push a hobby on them.
Go to the Movies
It had been a long time since I had visited the movie theater so last week I bribed my kids with a visit. They were told if they could not argue with each other for two days we’d go see a movie. And it worked.
When I planned out the visit I discovered that there were free movies on certain weekdays for kids.
We opted to see a paid movie which cost about $25 for the three of us. That’s still not too bad if you’re in need of something to occupy (or bribe) your kids with.
My daughters have been out of school for about a month now. In that month we’ve have organized SO much and they absolutely love helping.
Anytime we’re without something to do we choose a room and organize it. By the time school is back in session our entire house is going to be clutter free.
(There are also many other benefits to organization. Read them here.)
Visit the Library
One activity I have yet to do this summer but used to do all. the. time. is visit the library. There are so many advantages to utilizing the library. You can check out books so that your kids retain what they learned in school, check out movies, partake in story telling days and participate in the library’s summer programs for kids.
The library has something for every kid at any age.
Other Simple Frugal Summer Activities for Kids
If you’re looking for ideas you can do on the spot, at home and that don’t take very much time here are some options:
- Play a board game
- Wash the cars
- Take pictures
- Read
- Print out free worksheets from
- Fly a kite
- Have a Picnic
- Have a water balloon fight
- Play an outdoor sport (we jump rope, play cornhole and kickball)
I could go on and on with ideas for summer fun but I’ll stop here. The most important thing you can do to beat boredom is just get up and start doing something. Don’t sit down in front of the TV and think about it for too long.
Pick an activity and ask your kids to join you. Everything else will work itself out.

Alexa Mason is a freelance writer and wanna be internet entrepreneur. She is also a newly single mom to two beautiful little girls. She chronicles her journey as a single mom trying to make it big at