With the New Year ahead many ambitious goals will be set. If one of your goals is to straighten out
5 Steps to Paying Off Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt is one of the absolute worst debts you can have. The interest rates are
5 Things You Should Stop Doing to Get Out of Debt
Last week, we talked about what a debt addiction is and briefly looked into how you can break free.
How to Break Your Debt Addiction
I’ve never had much debt. It always felt wrong. When I was 18 I was stupid and maxed out a couple
6 Ways to Avoid Credit Card Debt this Christmas Season
The day after Thanksgiving thousands of people set out to get their Christmas shopping done. Many go
Living Like No One Else: Buying a Home with Cash
Home buying has been on mind a lot lately. One of the reasons for this is that my income is starting
The Worst Money Mistake You Will EVER Make and How to Avoid It
I always aim to be money conscious, making smart decisions with my money. I don’t have a whole lot
Your Credit Rating Can Cost Or Save You Thousands Of Dollars
So many things are based on your credit rating today. The difference between having a high credit